Emergency Call 9-1-1
Fire Hazard Rating
Past Meeting Minutes
This Page contains archived minutes from
June 5th 2019 - March 4th 2020
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held March 4, 2020 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with six Trustees in attendance, absent was Paul Giffin. The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by Chairman Sandra Rudischer.
Chairman Rudischer asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of January 22, 2020 General Meeting?
Penelope Bahr noted that her questions on the Fire Department having a policy on its Social media accounts hadn’t been addressed. The Corporate Officer said she had inserted the word “media” into Penelope’s question to make it clearer to what she was asking, and that it was answered by the fact there is an O.G. on the handling of such.
Short discussion, It was agreed that the Department will upgrade their O.G.’s to include all Social Media.
Sean Lewis brought up the Fire Department’s Service Level and that it had to be approved by the Trustees. This item was put into old business to be discussed.
Gabriola Emergency Communications (GEC) Annual Report
2019 books have been sent to the Auditor.
∙ 33 Fire calls in February broken down.
∙ Replacement truck – to be discussed under Old Business.
∙ RDN policy on homeless camping in RDN public parks. I have met with Vanessa Craig to discuss this policy. I strongly oppose the camping in the 707 and Cox parks due to poor access and extreme fire hazards during the summer. I suggested that these parks be added to the list of exemptions, or at the very least a seasonal Spring to Fall ban. Today all the Emergency Services met with the RDN staff to discuss enforcement of the Bylaw, while it was a productive meeting more concerns were assessed.
∙ The Department recruitment drive was another success, we are bringing on another 5 or 6 Auxiliary members, some of them will move forward to the Frontline class in November. This brings our number of firefighters to 40, which is full in accordance to the FUS recommendations. There are still some candidates on the waiting list.
∙ There will be another Fire Smart Champion course on March 15, 2020.
Jethro Baker Training Officer
1. Training for February 2020:
First responder-Disease Prevention/Rcmp presentation on interpersonal violence
Low Angle Technical Rescue
Auto Extrication
Training schedule for March 2020:
First Responder- Spinal management
Live Fire
Low angle rescue Scenario
Live fire stations
Live fire scenario∙ Domestic violence course.
∙ CoVid-19
Dianna Moher asked about WCB coverage for the Covid virus. (C.O. checking into it.)
∙ Limit the amount of FRs going into calls.
∙ Requested more information from FireComm before responding to a call.
∙ Added an O.G. for this topic.
∙ Voted 5 new members in.
∙ Will have the AGM in April.
∙ AGM April 29, will have 3 tables. The Chair noted she will remind any new Trustees that there is a meeting directly after the AGM.
∙ Penelope Bahr asked if there could be a set closing time for the election? Discussion.
Moved by John Moeller that meeting stay the way it is, with no set closing time, seconded by Dianna Moher, carried. (P.B. wanted it to be recorded that she cast a dissenting vote.)
Trustee orientation package:
Penelope Bahr suggested that all new Trustees get paper copies of any relevant information, a tour of the Hall, and introductions to the Chief and Officers.
The Corporate Officer noted that new Trustees are sent a link or the Improvement District Manual, and sent Bylaw 76 – the Meeting Procedure Bylaw, she stated the reason for using the link was the amount of paper it saved, the manual itself is 246 pages.
Dianna Moher stated that as a new Trustee herself she found the email links very helpful, and she was told if she wanted a paper copy to let Paula know and she would print one off.
Bylaw 95 – Burning:
∙ 10.01.1: took out – oral or written permission
∙ took out – or a properly constructed camp fire
∙ took out – permit holder or some competent person appointed by him and changed .5 X .5 to .5 cubic metres
Trustee Website:
∙ Needs some tweeking, will meeting with Dimitri Tzotzos next week along with Will S.
∙ Sean Lewis asked if everyone had received their confirmation request – yes.
Truck Purchase:
The Chief explained the options for the purchase of the new truck, and suggested the Trustee go with Option #1.
∙ How will it get here? It will be delivered
∙ References? – Attached to the options and specs
∙ Time frame? 1 year after agreement is signed
∙ What will happen to the old truck – would like to turn it into a heavy duty rescue vehicle.
Moved by Penelope Bahr that the Trustees accept option 1, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
Service Level firefighting:
Sean Lewis noted that although he was happy that the GVFD was operating a full service department that it is up to the Trustees to determine the level.
Sean Lewis moved that the Fire Chief maintain the Department at the Full Service level with an annual review by the Board, Fire Chief, and senior Officers, seconded by Penelope Bahr, carried.
Questions from the floor:
∙ A person from the floor complimented Sean Lewis at noticing a possible legal liability in the Burning Bylaw.
∙ Are the Bylaws available on the website? Yes.
∙ Is there a blanket permit available for burning? No. Looking into Wildfire reductions
∙ plans, but these will still have to be approved by the Province.
∙ How do you recruit Trustees? Do you identify skill sets that you would like them to have?
∙ Have put Advertisements in the paper stating how many positions will be voted on at the AGM.
∙ Open election.
∙ Incumbents still run
∙ Shouldn’t be the Board asking people to run for election
∙ It is nice if someone has some expertise in a field
Mark Noyon moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
6:00 p.m.
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held June 17, 2020 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with six Trustees in attendance, absent was Mark Noyon. The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Chairman Sandra Rudischer.
Chairman Rudischer asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of March 4, 2020 General Meeting?
Sean Lewis mentioned a few typos and the need to add, under discussion of service level on page 3 after the words review by the Board… “with the Chief, and Senior Officers.”
Moved by Penelope Bahr that the minutes be accepted as amended, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
Bowen Island report has just been received, will email out to Trustees.
Provincial Levy will be coming in at the end of the month.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: (As per written report)
Discussion on following topics:
∙ Camping is allowed in Cox park but it is safer than 707 as it is wetter and about a fifth of the size.
∙ Penelope Bahr mentioned she had attended the Fire Smart course and said it was very good.
∙ HAM radio team is not training with the fire department but will be a part of the GVFD, because of Provincial regulations this makes it faster for us when we need the HAM team, we can call them directly.
∙ Selection of Officer process.
Kitt Stringer introduced himself and gave some background of his training and discussed the following:
∙ Recruits’ training and certification: 3 more certificates done and 3 pending- VIERA- New edition Jones + Bartlett of training manual
∙ Re-signed First responder agreement with VIERA- changes to evaluator system
∙ New auxiliary program- 6 more for wild land trained via Zoom and in person- waiting for ICBC for driving
∙ Hazmat course mutual with Cherry Creek
∙ Joint training exercise with BC Forest Service, HAM, RCMP (RCMP not able to attend)
∙ Training with RCMSAR Marine- Interagency Restrictions
∙ New First Aid instructor course
∙ New Fire Service Instructor Course
∙ New Officer course being offered with VIERA
∙ Video library for Gabriola specific skills development now online
∙ Future development in platoon system
∙ Future development of training documentation for liability mitigation- ie TIC- O.Gs sent out
∙ New recruit class to start after covid – Training budget for live fire- hope to do in house
∙ New training facility will be great – use of old hall has been an asset for training as well
The Fire Chief thanked Kitt for stepping up and getting the members through training to receive their NFPA 1001 Level 1 & 2 certification.
Kitt noted that some of the members had taken time off work to complete this.
∙ Morale has been really good throughout the Co-Vid pandemic
∙ The Platoon competition has received 5000 views on Tik Tok
∙ Platoon 1 “Plunge for PHC” was a big success for a fund raiser.
∙ Has to be limited to 50 people, including Trustees…
∙ AGMs can not be conducted by Zoom or on-line.
∙ All 3 Trustees have agreed to run again.
∙ Need to have it by the end of the year, but possibly defer it to September / October.
∙ Victoria is trying to get a guideline together for Improvement Districts.
∙ Possible advanced voting if more than the 3 incumbents run?
Paul Giffin moved to table the AGM discussion until the next meeting, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
Short discussion on a couple of small changes regarding incinerator size.
Paul Giffin moved that Bylaw 95 be accepted with amendment, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
The Fire Chief stated that the consultant had come over and inspected the building and said it was worth investing in a new roof, and that flat was the way to go – waiting for a report.
Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
∙ Passed a motion to accept the Auditor’s report, moved by Sean Lewis, seconded by Penelope Bahr, carried by rest of Trustees. (This still needs to be passed at the AGM to make it official.)
∙ 707 letter of support for no camping.
∙ Burning Bylaw changes.
Moved by John Moeller that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Daina Moher, carried.
5:30 p.m.
(Meeting went in-camera)
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held July 22, 2020 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with seven Trustees in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Chairperson Sandra Rudischer.
Chairperson Rudischer asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of June 17, 2020 General Meeting?
Penelope Bahr noted that she had thanked the department for the Fire Smart course at the last meeting.
Diana Moher moved to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Penelope Bahr, carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Provincial levy is in.
Chief’s Report: (As per written report)
∙ Can the communications committee work with Evan McIntosh on the new website format?
∙ Does the FUS cover farms? Farms don’t carry commercial insurance but will look into it.
Training Officer’s Report: (As per written report)
Chair thanked Kitt for his report.
Association Report:
∙ Things have been quiet as the Platoons are not mixing during or after practices. Although we did have a small party for Walter Berry when he left, had three separate tables for the three Platoons.
New Business:
Chairperson, Sandra Rudischer noted that herself and Paula Mallinson were the signers on the GFPID account and asked Diana Moher if she was still willing to be a signer, Diana agreed that she would be.
Old Business:
Discussion on re-roofing the old Hall’s roof:
∙ Lot more to do than just the roof, should we get rid of the building?
∙ There’s the Gertie aspect of renting out space for the busses.
∙ Building considerations, could remove mezzanine and become a 1 storey and be grand-fathered.
∙ Could put on a new roof and slowly start fixing the building up.
∙ Agreed with putting on a new roof if the mezzanine is removed.
∙ Let’s start the process and get quotes from on Island.
∙ If we rent to Gertie would it interfere with practices? No.
∙ Would the Office have to be removed? Yes.
Approval of Officers:
Short discussion on the Fire Chief and Officers picks for new Officers and the process around it:
∙ Who was in the running? Felix Amuir, Elisha Bandel, Hayley Bennett, Geoff Goodall, Jenn Knight, Evan McIntosh, Chris Manning, Devlin Semmler, and Jessie Sherk.
∙ Done by Secret ballot, the Fire Chief noted he abstained from voting as his wife was on the list with having 11 years experience.
∙ Is there a probationary period? No.
∙ Ran an in-house Ad for the Training Officer position, no one but Kitt Stringer applied.
∙ Elisha has a beard, how does that work? Elisha shaves to fit mask.
∙ Jenn Knight and Evan McIntosh where selected as Lieutenants, and Dave Chorneyko is Acting Captain of No. 2 Hall.
∙ We have also created three new position for acting Lieutenants and we will see who performs well.
∙ Will this affect the budget? No.
∙ In the past the selection of Officers were always accepted by the Trustees as they knew the firefighters better than the Trustees and respected their opinions.
Moved that the Chiefs and Officers picks for the positions be accepted, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
John Moeller moved to adjourn and to In-Camera, seconded by Mark Noyon, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held January 22, 2020 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with seven Trustees in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by Chairman Sandra Rudischer.
Chairman Rudischer asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of December 4, 2019 General Meeting, none forthcoming, moved by Penelope Bahr that the minutes be accepted as presented, seconded by Diana Moher, carried.
The Chief noted that there will be an Open House on January 22, from 10:00 – 3:00 for Emergency Preparedness. Recruitment for the department as well as other services, such as ESS, PALS… will be sought.
We have set up some Social Media accounts, Twitter, Instagram, as well as Facebook, they will all be linked to our GabriolaFire.ca webpage.
On Tuesday, January 22, the department passed the annual Commercial FUS testing need to upgrade our records.
At our last Officer’s Meeting we went over OFC self audit.
Updated the Burning Bylaw to include the new regulations.
Fire Smarting – Canso area will be the first neighborhood to receive the Red Bin for clean up.
We have appointed two new Officers, Elisha Bandel No 1 Hall and Dave Chorneyko No. 2.
Q. Do you need a policy for the media accounts? We have an O.G. regarding talking to the media.
TRAINING OFFICER’S REPORT: Reported by Jethro Baker
Training topics for January are:
F.R. bleeding/shock
Pre-incident planning at the Gabriola Garden Homes
Superior Tanker Shuttle Service accreditation
Low angle ice/water rescue
In the upcoming months we will:
Co-ordinate monthly training nights
Evaluate long term training needs
Continue reviewing our OFC Playbook compliance
I have completed our 2020 training schedule for our frontline recruits and auxiliaries. The list of skills we need to be proficient in is massive. The training is co-ordinated by myself and the Chief. The Officers play a large role in delivering the weekly training. These Officers take additional training to be able to manage fire scenes, assist and lead training sessions. We have three groups of firefighters to train including frontline, new recruits, and auxiliary firefighters, it takes a team to provide training our almost 40 FF’s.
The recent plan crash showed us that our work in the area of critical incident stress is necessary and has helped our members. The department holds mental health at a highest level of importance. Strategies we have learned at our yearly critical incident stress workshop were used on scene and in the days following.
I look forward to working with our firefighters to provide a professional level of response to the people of Gabriola for 2020.
Bylaw 95 – Burning
The new rules from the Provincial Government have been incorporated into the Bylaw.
Changed 1m X 1m to .5 X .5g
Need to develop Community Wildfire Reduction plan.
An Officer will have to inspect a burn site before a permit is issued.
Take out the word oral permission?
Define campfire rules better.
Put the permit on the website.
John Moeller moved that the topic be tabled until the next meeting, seconded by Mark Noyon, carried.
The Chair brought up the UBCM grant application, explaining that the last thing that is needed is that the Trustees show that they are in agreement to applying for this grant as well as providing overall administration until the project is complete.
Moved by Paul Giffin that the Trustees support this application. Seconded by Penelope Bahr, carried.
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)- December 4, 2019
Posted on January 9, 2020 by Dimitri Tzotzos
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held December 4, 2019 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with five Trustees in attendance, absent was Paul Giffin and John Moeller.
The meeting was called to order at 4:55 p.m. by Chairman Sandra Rudischer
October 23, 2019 minutes, errors or omissions? Moved by Diana Moher that the minutes be accepted as presented, seconded by Penelope Bahr, carried.
The Chair welcomed the newly appointed Fire Chief, Will Sprogis.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: (As per written report)
TRAINING OFFICER REPORT: Presented by Captain/T.O. Jethro Baker
Training topics for the month of December:
∙ Ambulance orientation/practising with EHS stair chair
∙ Pre-fire planning
∙ Fire dynamics
∙ Fire underwriters survey superior tanker shuttle practice
In the New Year:
∙ I am currently working on the training schedule for next yer.
∙ Reviewing our work safe B.C. OHS part 31 – compliance
∙ Reviewing our OFC playbook compliance
∙ Planning needed courses determined by the previous regulations
Thank you for the hard work and dedication of all of our firefighters over the last year and years past. This past year our members put in well over 3000 person hours into training and responding to calls. I thank them for their dedication to the department. Thank you to the families of the firefighters for making this possible. When our firefighters respond to calls, and attend training it is with great sacrifice to themselves and their family’s livelihood.
∙ Morale is good.
∙ Christmas party on December 7, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.
Communications Committee
Sean Lewis noted that the Communication Committee had met and discussed the website for the Trustees, and that they will seek advise from the Webmaster of the GVFD site.
Penelope Bahr moved that the GFPID Board of Trustees direct the Communications Committee to work with the webmaster of the GVFD to increase the online presence and accessibility of the GFPID on the existing Gabriolafire.ca website. And, that the new design be presented to the Board for approval at a regular General meeting. Seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
OFC Audit
The self Audit from the OFC was discussed with the following points being brought up:
∙ Suggest Trustees read the Playbook to get a better understanding of the Audit.
∙ The GVFD has struck a Health and Safety Committee.
∙ If anything was extraordinary it would be flagged and brought to the Board’s attention.
∙ The Officer’s will discuss at their monthly meeting and bring any concerns to the Board.
∙ Copies available for the Trustees.
Moved by Mark Noyon that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Penelope Bahr, carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. and went in-camera.
Trustee Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2019
Posted on October 23, 2019 by Dimitri Tzotzos
October 23, 2019 – Trustee Meeting Minutes
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held October 23, 2019 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with six Trustees in attendance, absent was Sandra Rudischer.
The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by acting Chairman Mark Noyon.
September 4, 2019 minutes, errors or omissions? Moved by Sean Lewis that the minutes be accepted as presented, seconded by Diana Moher, carried.
September 25 2019 minutes, errors or omissions? John Moeller noted that he had been at the meeting and it was Mark Noyon who was not. Penelope Bahr said that she had not been informed there would be a meeting after the election. Paula Mallinson agreed this was correct, stating that she looked for Penelope shortly after she had been elected as a Trustee, to inform her of the meeting, but she had left the building. Moved by John Moeller that the minutes be accepted as amended, seconded by Paul Giffin, carried.
The Chief noted that he had been on holidays, so there was no written report. He noted that Dimitri Tzotzos had written a summary of the new burning bylaws and that they will be in the phone book and the GVFFA website, and stated that at some point the Trustees would have to amend the Burning Bylaw.
∙ Hosted a Hazmat course at the Hall with Mudge, Cedar and Cranberry Firefighters attending, it was a good course and probably saved the department thousands of dollars.
∙ Practiced with HAM on Gabriola and in Nanaimo using the emergency radio set up in the bus. It was a simulation of last years major wind storm.
Sean Lewis asked to what level was the Hazmat course. The T.O. stated to the basic level, which allows the firefighters to get their NFPA 1001 Level 2 certification.
∙ Morale is great, recruits are excited about training.
∙ Fireworks will be held on October 26.
∙ How many new recruits? 6 full frontline with 15 auxiliary.
∙ How many women? 6 – 7 with two on the waiting list.
The Provincial Levy, Bylaw 94
∙ Changes to the GFPID 2020 Budget, a 2.1% increase, were explained.
∙ It was noted that one of the Truck Bylaws had been paid off in 2019, so the increase should not make any impact on homeowners taxes.
Moved by Diana Moher that bylaw 94 be accepted, seconded by Paul Giffin, carried.
Moved by Penelope Bahr that bylaw 94 be accepted, seconded by John Moeller, carried.
Moved by Diana Moher that bylaw 94 be accepted, seconded by Paul Giffin, carried.
Old Hall 1 roof:
∙ We are currently waiting for an Engineer, who is coming over to the Island on another matter, to inspect the roof, so we can save some money. Will monitor the roof over the winter.
Hydrant Easement:
∙ Waiting for an Engineer’s report.
∙ Insurance company coming back with prices.
Trustee’s website:
∙ At this point the website is just for receiving applications and correspondence, Paul Champion would like the Trustees to take it over.
∙ Communication Committee should take a look at it and get back to the Board.
∙ Get the invoice from Paul Champion and pay for it.
Moved by John Moeller and the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Paul Giffin, carried.
Questions from the floor:
∙ Liz Ciocea stated that she had attended the Fire Smart course put on by Dimitri Tzotzos and Will Sprogis, and had enjoyed it and was hoping there would be more to come. Will noted there will be another course in January.
∙ Liz Ciocea also thanked Duty Officer, Will Sprogis for coming over and checking out the transformer that had blown at the end of her street, and phoning her to let her know it was safe.
∙ Toby Elliot asked if there was any thought about reviewing the communications with the community during a power outage?
∙ It was noted that the RDN is the contact agency.
∙ Information on the website.
∙ If signed up with the RDN should get a text or a phone call during an emergency.
∙ ESS, run by Shirley Nicolson is the contact on the Island.
∙ The bulletin board at the Village has a lot of information on it.
∙ Information in the phone book.
∙ This is not the Fire Department’s mandate, they help where they can.
∙ Kyle Clifford read a letter of concern he had regarding the hiring of the Fire Chief.
Asked if the survey done a few years ago had been viewed by the Board?
The Board took his letter to be discussed in-camera.
At this point the Chairman thanked the audience for coming out and their input, and the Board went in-camera.
Trustee Meeting Minutes – September 4, 2019
Posted on September 4, 2019 by Dimitri Tzotzos
September 4, 2019 – Trustee Meeting Minutes
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held September 4, 2019 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with four Trustees in attendance, absent was Mark Noyon.
The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Acting Chair Sandra Rudischer.
∙ Gertie
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: (As per written report)
Will Sprogis gave a brief report noting the following:
∙ Recruits half way through their training
∙ Our firefighters are working hard
∙ Started using Acting Officers to pick up the slack during practices, doing 3 different groups on training night
∙ Did a cross training with BCAS, RCMP, SAR, and HAM – who played dispatch
∙ HAM set up our emergency truck to use in case the repeater is down
∙ Will Sprogis and Dimitri Tzotzos held a Fire Safe course with 10 people attending, ESS came out to help. Looking forward to moving forward with this training
∙ Association is starting preparations for Halloween night and the fireworks.
The GFPID received a letter from Gertie and they would like to get together with the Trustees to discuss housing the trucks in the old Hall.
∙ This is something that we can look into if we decide to bring the old Hall up to date with new roof, etc., but will have to look into insurance implications also.
Long Range Plan:
Sean Lewis asked how the digitizing of the Long Range Plan was progressing? John Moeller noted that it was almost complete but that some of the charts and maps are picking up properly.
Once completed it can be updated and put on the Website for public information.
Old Hall 1:
The Fire Chief noted that while he was away he had asked Will Sprogis to look into the costs of different types of roofing.
Will Sprogis stated that the main problem is because of the weight of the gravel and tower on the roof it will need to be shimmed up and ply wood put down, basically the estimates are between 45,000 – $50,000, with one company offering a 30 year warranty.
He had also looked into trusses as suggested by Sean Lewis, but the company said because of the roof span they would be too long for the ferry, and the cost would be almost double.
∙ Nice thing about trusses you get a 50 year warranty, should be a way to get them over.
∙ No sense in paying double for trusses, especially with a 30 year warranty the other way.
∙ Is the Hall used? Yes, we do auto X, ladder training, S&R… during the winter months this is great, keeps the equipment and Ffs dry.
∙ Other than an earthquake the building is pretty solid.
∙ Roof was fixed last year, but this year carpenter ants are attacking it, might last another year at the most.
∙ If we don’t do something with it, it will become a liability.
∙ Some of the roofers said they would babysit the roof until they could do the job.
∙ Do we need to get an Engineer report on it? We have had two done in the past when considering a new Hall, will pull them out.
∙ Suggest torch on with 30 year warranty.
∙ Gertie could pay some rent for using the facility, they were also asking about office space – could use the kitchen in the Bay.
∙ Is the building being heated right now? No.
∙ What insurance does the building have now? Demolish.
∙ Cost to take down the building could be over $60,000.
∙ Tank at the Hall now for drafting practices.
∙ Back up generator still operational in Hall.
∙ Should meet with Gertie to discuss, trial basis.
∙ Should look into insurance costs, liability, and Engineering report.
Rook’s Dam:
John Moeller noted that the Ministry of Transportation required that there be two connecting public roads before anything could be done with the Dam. Bob Rooks had Engineer plans drawn up and has shorn everything up over and above specification, they should have no problem getting approval.
The Dam is part of common property and Bob is suggestion a 3 way split on water rights, which would make Bob, myself, and the Fire Department responsible for the insurance, and maintenance. The only thing that would cause concern is an earth quake, and even then they way it is constructed and protected wouldn’t cause a tidal wave.
∙ Sandra Rudischer said that Bob Rook’s would like a letter of intent from the Improvement District.
∙ Really do need this hydrant the next closest one is at Camp Miriam.
∙ Brian Henning will be writing the letter of intent.
∙ Bob Rooks would like to have the Fire Department on as an emergency contact, right now is is Bob and John Moeller.
∙ The Fire Chief recommend going for it saying maintenance should be almost nothing.
∙ Going to get a legal easement and water rights.
∙ Immediate business get the Letter of Intent and see what’s binding.
At this point there were a few questions from the public:
∙ Where does this water come from? Surface water.
∙ Could you expropriate?
∙ Rob Brockley introduced himself as the President of GALT and asked if the GFPID were accepting part of the liability would they be open to some public access on this property?
∙ Could GALT not become a 4th party? No – no insurance liability.
∙ Maybe GALT could make the pitch to Rooks?
∙ First thing to do is check into cost of insurance (John Moeller volunteered to do this.)
∙ If GALT would like to write their request to the GFPID we would be more than willing to speak to Rooks about it.
∙ Strata Road open to Public but no cars, gated.
Moved by Sean Lewis that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by John Moeller, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m.
Trustee Meeting Minutes – August 7, 2019
Posted on August 7, 2019 by Dimitri Tzotzos
August 7, 2019 – Trustee Meeting Minutes
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held August 7, 2019 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with four Trustees in attendance, absent was John Moeller.
The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Acting Chair Sandra Rudischer.
The Chair stated that she would like to reaffirm that her position as Chair stands until the September 25, 2019 re-election, as she was 1) nominated by a Trustee who had to step down due to the Court challenge, and 2) when nominated she had hoped there could be a roaming Chairman, but as Victoria doesn’t allow that, she will be Acting until the election.
Moved by Mark Noyon that Sandra Rudischer be Chairman until the September 25, 2019 election, seconded by Sean Lewis, carried.
The Chair asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of June 5, 2019 General Meeting. Mark Noyon noted that the adjournment time was incorrect. Moved by Mark Noyon that the minutes be accepted with the time amendment, seconded by Diana Moher, carried.
The Chair thanked Penelope J. Bahr for her letter and stated there were some really good points. The Chair noted that at this point the Trustee Website had been set up just for the process of receiving Fire Chief applications, but once the process has been completed we will look at implementing some of the suggestions.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: (As per written report)
Association made some amendments to their rules for voting members in.
Hydrant easement:
∙ Insurance for the hydrant easement shouldn’t be too bad
∙ 600 gpm of unlimited water, really don’t want to lose this water source
∙ This project needs to go ahead, the Fire Chief will find out when they need the Trustees decision by.
∙ The Chair noted that John Moeller wasn’t here tonight and seeing that he is also on this easement he would have information to give.
∙ It was agreed to read the paper work on this topic and call a special meeting, if necessary, to expedite this matter.
OFC Audit:
∙ The Fire Chief has finished his portion of the audit, just waiting for the Officers and some of the Firefighters to return theirs and he will give it to the Trustee
∙ Sean Lewis noted this audit was a win/win situation and was very pleased that the Chief was doing it in-house. The Chief noted it is a pretty straight forward document. Sean Lewis said it gives you a measuring stick and that he was very pleased it was being used, well done.
A discussion on the pros and cons of getting the old Hall a new torch on roof:
∙ They always leak, need them fixed every few years.
∙ Concerns of the cost of heating and getting it up to standards.
∙ Still use the building for training purposes.
∙ In the long term shingles might be a cheaper way to go, and then could do water collection.
∙ When was the last time it was done? 1986.
A discussion around the hydrant easement:
∙ Could this be a grandfather clause?
∙ Do we use Clydes? No, it’s electric so doesn’t work in a outage and Clyde wanted too much money for something we barely used.
∙ If the District agrees to the easement are they liable too? Yes.
∙ The GFPID has agreements on all the other water sources and hydrants.
Moved by Mark Noyon that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Diana Moher, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:17
Posted in trustees, trustees meeting minutes
General Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2019
Posted on July 3, 2019 by Dimitri Tzotzos
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held June 5, 2019 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with five Trustees in attendance, absent was Paul Champion (John Hudson – resigned).
The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by acting Chair Sandra Rudischer.
The Chair asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of May 8, 2019 General Meeting, moved by John Moeller moved that the minutes be accepted with correction to correspondence, seconded by Mark Noyon, carried.
Paula Mallinson noted that $20,000 had been transferred out of the Capital Reserve Fund in Operations chequing due to some unexpectedly high bills, but that it would be transferred back when the Provincial Levy is received.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: (As per written report)
Short discussion regarding fixing the old Hall torch on roof at the approximate price of $40,000 – $60,000.
∙ Cost more than that to tear it down.
∙ Summer would be the time to get it done
∙ Add to next meeting agenda.
Will Sprogis gave a brief report;
∙ Training taking place with 4 different groups
∙ 6 new auxiliary FF
∙ 6 old auxiliary firefighters moving into firefighting
∙ Brought in a mentor program
∙ Dimtri Tzotzos and Jethro Baker put on another F.R. course
∙ Re-purposing an old tank for training.
∙ Morale is really high
∙ June 30 is the Annual family Canada Day BBQ, Trustees and life members invited.
Special Election:
∙ A Special Election has to be called to replace John Hudson
∙ Needs 14 days notice to the public
∙ Dates discussed, decided on June 26, 2019 @7:00 p.m.
∙ Returning Officer?
Moved by John Moeller to get a Returning Officer to run the election, seconded by Paul Giffin, carried.
∙ Method of nomination?
∙ In the past it is always been from the floor
∙ Can someone be nominated by email?
Moved by John Moeller that email nominations and nominations from the floor be accepted but the nominees must be at the meeting to accept, seconded by Mark Noyon, carried.
Planning & Mitigation
Sean Lewis brought up Albert Reed’s 1999 Long Range Plan stating that there is a lot of good stuff in it that has withstood the test of time.
Sean noted that this could be a discussion for the Trustees and asked the Fire Chief to advise:
The Chief noted that he has been updating this plan, i.e. water sources, new trucks…, basically just using tags in the report as there is no computer copy to update at this time
∙ Water sources
∙ Structures and folios
∙ Fire Smarting
∙ Road accessibility / secondary accesses
∙ Driveways to properties
∙ Firefighters awareness of dangers
∙ Does the fire department have an Island Wide Plan? The Fire Department’s mandate is fire protection and prevention, an emergency plan is the RDN
∙ Escape routes? Pretend there is a fire, where would you go? Need to think about this before it happens.
∙ Gabriola is not like Kelowna or Fort Mac with a 15% humidity, here the danger is more grass fires, even in fire season our trees are not going to light up like there.
∙ Worried about animals, PALS has regular meetings and emergency plans, staging areas.
∙ All due respect to the fire department but Douglas Fire are dying at a high rate, do you have a plan? Chop the trees down. We can’t go on private property and demand anything people have their rights.
∙ Island wide plan? Personal responsibility, can’t do a whole lot to force private individuals.
∙ In a disaster we can bring in mutual aid,
∙ Best thing is to have a huge auxiliary and buy big trucks
∙ What about a citizen’s committee, have them go around the Island and report back? The fire department has offered inspection of private properties for years.
∙ Speak with ESS – having a neighbourhood emergency plan is all encompassing with mechanisms in place and they have worked very hard to get interest in it.
∙ There is a Wildfire grant. Yes the department had one done in 2009.
∙ Could the agenda and minutes of meetings be put on the Fire Department website? Yes, we will start doing that, but the minutes will be drafts until approve by the Board.
Moved by Paul Giffin that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by John Moeller, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Trustee Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2019
Posted on June 5, 2019 by Dimitri Tzotzos
June 5, 2019 – Trustee Meeting Minutes
A General Meeting of the Gabriola Fire Protection District was held June 5, 2019 at the No. 1 Fire Hall with five Trustees in attendance, absent was Paul Champion (John Hudson – resigned).
The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by acting Chair Sandra Rudischer.
The Chair asked for errors or omissions from the minutes of May 8, 2019 General Meeting, moved by John Moeller moved that the minutes be accepted with correction to correspondence, seconded by Mark Noyon, carried.
Paula Mallinson noted that $20,000 had been transferred out of the Capital Reserve Fund in Operations chequing due to some unexpectedly high bills, but that it would be transferred back when the Provincial Levy is received.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: (As per written report)
Short discussion regarding fixing the old Hall torch on roof at the approximate price of $40,000 – $60,000.
∙ Cost more than that to tear it down.
∙ Summer would be the time to get it done
∙ Add to next meeting agenda.
Will Sprogis gave a brief report;
∙ Training taking place with 4 different groups
∙ 6 new auxiliary FF
∙ 6 old auxiliary firefighters moving into firefighting
∙ Brought in a mentor program
∙ Dimtri Tzotzos and Jethro Baker put on another F.R. course
∙ Re-purposing an old tank for training.
∙ Morale is really high
∙ June 30 is the Annual family Canada Day BBQ, Trustees and life members invited.
Special Election:
∙ A Special Election has to be called to replace John Hudson
∙ Needs 14 days notice to the public
∙ Dates discussed, decided on June 26, 2019 @7:00 p.m.
∙ Returning Officer?
Moved by John Moeller to get a Returning Officer to run the election, seconded by Paul Giffin, carried.
∙ Method of nomination?
∙ In the past it is always been from the floor
∙ Can someone be nominated by email?
Moved by John Moeller that email nominations and nominations from the floor be accepted but the nominees must be at the meeting to accept, seconded by Mark Noyon, carried.
Planning & Mitigation
Sean Lewis brought up Albert Reed’s 1999 Long Range Plan stating that there is a lot of good stuff in it that has withstood the test of time.
Sean noted that this could be a discussion for the Trustees and asked the Fire Chief to advise:
The Chief noted that he has been updating this plan, i.e. water sources, new trucks…, basically just using tags in the report as there is no computer copy to update at this time
∙ Water sources
∙ Structures and folios
∙ Fire Smarting
∙ Road accessibility / secondary accesses
∙ Driveways to properties
∙ Firefighters awareness of dangers
∙ Does the fire department have an Island Wide Plan? The Fire Department’s mandate is fire protection and prevention; an emergency plan is the RDN
∙ Escape routes? Pretend there is a fire, where would you go? Need to think about this before it happens.
∙ Gabriola is not like Kelowna or Fort Mac with a 15% humidity, here the danger is more grass fires, even in fire season our trees are not going to light up like there.
∙ Worried about animals, PALS has regular meetings and emergency plans, staging areas.
∙ All due respect to the fire department but Douglas Fire are dying at a high rate, do you have a plan? Chop the trees down. We can’t go on private property and demand anything people have their rights.
∙ Island wide plan? Personal responsibility, can’t do a whole lot to force private individuals.
∙ In a disaster we can bring in mutual aid,
∙ Best thing is to have a huge auxiliary and buy big trucks
∙ What about a citizen’s committee, have them go around the Island and report back? The fire department has offered inspection of private properties for years.
∙ Speak with ESS – having a neighbourhood emergency plan is all encompassing with mechanisms in place and they have worked very hard to get interest in it.
∙ There is a Wildfire grant. Yes the department had one done in 2009.
∙ Could the agenda and minutes of meetings be put on the Fire Department website? Yes, we will start doing that, but the minutes will be drafts until approve by the Board.
Moved by Paul Giffin that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by John Moeller, carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.