Emergency Call 9-1-1
Fire Hazard Rating

emergency preparedness
Be Prepared for Power Outages. Please click here for Prepared BC PDF.
According to the British Columbia's Emergency Management "power outage is a short or long-term electric power outage is a short or long-term loss of electric power to an area. You may be without light, heat and hot water. To locate confirmed power outages in your region, go to BC Hydro’s outage map."
To prepare for a power outage:
Develop an emergency plan
Put together your emergency kit
Connect with your neighbours
Power outage checklist
British Columbia's Emergency Management further writes “Severe winter weather like ice, wind and snow can cause power outages. Follow this checklist before winter and be prepared to live without power for several days. Have a licensed contractor perform furnace and fireplace maintenance ahead of winter every year Inspect your chimney or flue.”
“This helps prevent structural fires and ensures smoke, carbon monoxide and other potentially harmful gases are properly vented Install carbon monoxide alarms if you have an attached garage, wood stove, propane heater or other fuel-burning appliances Consider how people with disabilities or people requiring assistance may be affected during a power outage”:
How will you leave home with out elevator service (if applicable)?
Do you have a plan for a backup power supply for essential medical equipment?
Have a battery-operated radio
This allows you to listen to your local station for warnings, advice and instructions
​​Stow flashlights with extra batteries
Make sure you have an adequate supply of food and water in your emergency kit
Non-perishable food: minimum three-day to two-week supply
Water: four litres per person, per day for drinking and sanitation
Food in your fridge is usually safe to consume if the power is out for less than four hours.
Food in the freezer is usually safe for 24 to 48 hours.
Keep doors of refrigerators and freezers closed during a power outage to keep the cold air in and avoid spoiling food.
Fireplaces, wood stoves, barbecues and camp stoves can be used outdoors for emergency cooking. Don't use barbecues or camp stoves indoors
For more information on preparing for a power outage, visit BC Hydro and FortisBC
“Be aware of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning. In the event of a power outage, never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven. Use gas-powered generators and grills outdoors and away from windows.”